Friday, December 18, 2015


(Part 1)

"Being Vegan"

as a kid I grew up being skinny it made me feel confident, go out more, socialize with other people and all that stuff. but as I age my body seems to act so weird and it made me gain more weight, my belly starts to fill up, my calves start to grow bigger. and people start to point out my calves being huge and they would call it "Mangga" or "Mango" in English  because it looked like one, at first I was laughing and going along with the jokes but what they didn't know is when I get home and I'm all alone, I look at myself in the mirror and ask myself; "is it really that ugly?" or "why is it growing like this" it made myself esteem decrease and made me wear jeans every time I'd go to church and going out is such a huge challenge for me because I couldn't wear shorts because of my huge calves. I'd always look up ways in the internet on how to remove fat on calves, there was one time where I told myself that I want to get my calves out by doing a "Liposuction" but that would take me years and years of earning and that would cost a lot! so I'd find ways, an alternative way that wouldn't cost me anything just my confidence to go out and do exercise to remove some of my unwanted fat in my body. my friends and I used to wake up at like 5:30 in the morning and go for a jog in this area near our place and in that way I'd boost my confidence by going out, I remembered I always used to wear "Biking Shorts" or "Cycling Shorts" whenever my friends and I would always go out for a run early in the morning which is totally an extreme challenge for me because I know people will look at me and say "what the heck is that boy wearing?" and we'd always encounter older people so that's a plus because older people are tend to  forget things so easily so I know that they would easily forget "the boy running on a cycling shorts". so we did that I think for like half a month and it kind of helped me to go outside not being anxious about my legs. after that I would always get a measuring tape and see if it really helped decrease the size of my calves; the results are "it didn't!". the only way that I figured out to get this out is to lessen my intake of rice. us Filipinos we are used to eating rice all the time and that is a staple food that is a must in our table breakfast,lunch,dinner there is always a rice on the table. so there I was cutting out rice on my daily diet and it made my system act weird and I remember I think I got sick because of me not eating right, my blood went DOWN! my body started to shiver my fingers were so cold, daddy had to rush me to the hospital and they injected some kind of medicine in me that is not really good, I remember the nurse telling me that what she would be injecting would be painful and it really is painful and I almost past out my heart was beating so fast, my ears were muffle, and my eyes started to blur out. I was holding my dad's hand and I told him I couldn't take it anymore. it was a nightmare in the hospital that night! so after that we headed home and I took a rest. and the next day I ate rice again! but then after months I would always go to the weighing scale and watch how I'm starting to gain weight again. so I found out people eating greens loosing weight by not eating rice but they'd consume a lot of healthy foods that would fill up their stomach not starving their selves but what they would eat will only contain less calories fats and stuff but at the same time also healthy. it is called being "Vegan" a lot of celebrities are Vegan as well, one of my favorite celebrity is a vegan she is "Ariana Grande" she'd eat no meat, non-dairy product, and be skinny as hell! she inspired me being a vegan just last year November I committed not to eat red meat anymore although being a vegan is about how to help "animal cruelty" and stuff. but I'd eat white meat such as chicken, fish, and add that to my salad and it'd fill up my tummy and give me just a small amount of weight and I find that really helpful on cutting out a huge amount of weight on me. up to now I always practice to skip eating rice and red meat but maintain to eat a lot of greens and veggie and white protein that would help me nourish my body. I still have a lot to say but I guess I'll leave it like this for the meantime. if you're reading this, honey!!! please do not starve yourself!!! there are lots of ways to cut down fat and that is choosing the healthier lifestyle. be a Vegan, help animal rights and stop animal cruelty. love you guys! catch you up later! 

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